Timeless Kevin Warwick Classics Reimagined
Revamp your routine with dependable and stylish Kevin Warwick solutions.
Introduction To Control Systems, An (2nd Edition)
What On Earth?: Trees Hardcover – April 5, 2018
Yapay Zekâ;Temel Prensipler
El Nostre Planeta. ARBRES
March of the Machines: The Breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence
QI: The Quest for Intelligence - A Revolutionary Investigation into Human, Animal and Artificial Intelligence
March of the Machines: The Breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence Paperback July 20, 2004
Kevin Robinson Collection Warwick Micro Fibre Cloth/Tea Towel
Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Power Systems (IEE Power Engineering) (IEE Power Engineering)PBPO0220 (Energy Engineering) by K. Warwick (1997-03-01)
Il mio pianeta. Alberi. Osserva, sperimenta, crea!
Il mio pianeta. Alberi. Osserva, sperimenta, crea!
Este Es Mi Planeta – ÁRBOLES
March of the Machines: The Breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence
Computer Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing: The Curse of Dimensionality
Kennst du die Natur? - Bäume. Das Aktiv- und Wissensbuch für Kinder ab 7 Jahren: Erforschen. Experimentieren. Basteln. Bäume erkennen, die größten ... bauen, ein Baumbestimmungsbuch anlegen u.v.m.
Entrepreneurship: A Very Short Introduction
Kennst du die Natur? - Bäume. Das Aktiv- und Wissensbuch für Kinder ab 7 Jahren: Erforschen. Experimentieren. Basteln. Bäume erkennen, die größten ... bauen, ein Baumbestimmungsbuch anlegen u.v.m.
Il mio pianeta. Alberi. Osserva, sperimenta, crea!
Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Power Systems
Dealing with Complexity: A Neural Networks Approach
Strategies for Feedback Linearisation: A Dynamic Neural Network Approach
Neural Network Engineering in Dynamic Control Systems
Cyborgs in Ambient Intelligence. Zukunft mit Umgebungsintelligenz: Szenarien nach Warwick und Crutzen
Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intel
Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications
Protecting Whitney: The Memoir of Her Bodyguard
Treating Complex Trauma and Dissociation: A Practical Guide to Navigating Therapeutic Challenges