Irontite has been making and distributing these products to commercial accounts and professional engine rebuilding shops since the 1960's. They were specifically designed and tailored to the needs and requests of professional racing and specialty engine rebuilders. Any of these Irontite products can be used alone for their intended purpose. However, engine specialist have found using all three products in conjunction with each other offers the BEST possible, longest lasting results that any chemical process for stopping coolant leaks can provide. Only in its recent history has this product become available to the general public. For many years it was marketed specifically to engine rebuilding professionals. Only "those in the know" had access. But now these are all available and we have put together this "special package" of all 3 products. 1 Bottle of ThoroFlush(468-9110-16)Opens and clean out plugged heater coresSafe to use on cast iron, aluminum, brass, or plastic,1 Bottle of Ceramic Motor Seal (468-9120-16)Creates a solid ceramic coating through the entire cooling system to permanently seal.Seals Head Gaskets, Intake Gaskets, cylinder heads and block. Cast Iron or Alumnium.1 Bottle of All Weather Seal (468-9130-16)POUR-AND-GO formula. Works WITH your Anti-Freeze to seal Radiator, Head Gasket, and all other cooling system leaks.Will not clog heater cores. Forms a micro-emulsion and only activates when hot and air is encountered.Each bottle contains enough product to treat up to a 6-gallon capacity cooling system. Complete instructions are printed on the bottles and can be seen on the individual bottle ads here on .
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