The Asiatic Hybrids are the lilies that are most popular in the florist trade. They are beautiful, easy and early to bloom, and appear on shorter plants than the others.Asiatic lilies are the earliest to bloom and the easiest to grow. With their upward facing flowers. Hardy in Zones 4 to 9, Asiatic lilies come in pure white, pink, vivid yellow, orange, and red. Intense breeding has much of the Asiatics’ fragrance, but in spite of their good of perfume, they are a favorite with floral arrangers.Everyone loves lilies. With large, showy blooms, lilies add striking elegance to the yard and garden from early year. Grown from bulbs, lilies are perennial flowers that will return year after year and require minimal care, provided that you plant them in the right place.. Lilies have six plain or strikingly marked tepals (“petals”) and are often trumpet-shaped, sitting atop a tall, erect stem with narrow, long, lance-shaped leaves. They come in many beautiful colors, including pink, gold, red, orange, and white.Asiatic and Oriental lilies are the most popular garden lily varieties. They are the shortest type of lily (about 2 to 3 feet tall) and come in many colors, from pastel to tropical. They don’t have much of a fragrance, but they do add bright color to the garden. It’s the Oriental lilies that have that famously strong fragrance. They are tall and stately (4 feet), and tend to grow more slowly.
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