WOPPLXY 24 Pcs Gift Bag with Clear Window - Make Your Gift Memorable At First Sight! -- Made of PVC plastic window and high quality cardboard, durable, not easy to break, reinforced bottom, easy to stand, reusable. -- The white gift bag with clear window is designed with a transparent window, which allows people to see the items inside at the first glance, fully displaying your exquisite and perfect gift, and you can write some blessing words for your loved ones on the label. -- They come with soft satin handles that are comfortable to carry around without adding to the burden, and can be used to pack groceries, merchandise, or order takeout from restaurants. -- When not in use, paper gift bags with transparent window can be folded for storage, saving you more space. -- Suitable for party bags, wedding gift bags, business bags, shopping bags, retail bags, birthday gift bags, suitable for various festivals and celebrations. 【Product Specification】 Material:PVC&Cardboard Color:White Size: 7.08 x 5.11 x 9.84/18x13x25CM 【Product Including】 24 x White Gift Bag with Clear Window
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