Koska Sesame All Natural Ingredients - Creamed Sesame Seeds Paste The product contains Protein and High source of dietary fibre. Celery Free, Crustaceans free, Dairy Free, Egg free, Fish free, Gluten Free, Lupin free, Mollusc freeMustard Free, Soybeans free, Sulphur dioxide and sulphites free Sesame Tahini is made of peeled sesame seeds by crushing them in grinders and obtaining a liquid cream like consistency. Grape Molases grape molasses has a rich, chocolate-like flavor and can be used as an ingredient in sweet desserts or mixed with tahini, which is a sesame paste, and used as a topper for pita bread. Grape molasses has a fruit flavor that adds a touch of sweetness to savory dishes such as stews. It can also be used in place of your usual jelly or jam on bread, You can experiment with either liquid sweetener and use them in place of your usual molasses in various recipes such as gingerbread cookies or baked beans.
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