Benefits of green powder for your skin and ; body green gm is one of the best traditional skin care ingredients in ayurveda. Some of the uses of the green powder. For oily skin: for oily skin use green powder and make a paste and apply on your face regularly. For skin whitening for skin whitening use green powder with lemon and water. For dry skin: use green powder with rose water and wash with cold water after 15-20 minutes. For removing facial hair: use the powder with wild turmeric powder/turmeric powder/ red sandal wood powder. You can also use tomato juice instead of these for wrinkles to decrease lines due to ageing, use green . Apply a green powder and rose water on your wrinkles every night before sleep. For acne and pimples: use green powder with home made ghee and make paste. Massage your face in upward direction with this paste. For hair growth: It is best hair growth supplement in ayurveda and all herbal hair oils as per ayurveda have got this natural ingredient. Use green powder with one egg yolk and 1 tea spoon of lemon juice. Add å cup of yogurt. Apply it on hair and wash it after 1 hour, by using mild shampoo. Use this face pack once in three days for better results. For skin tightening: use can tighten your skin with green powder. Mix with one egg white and apply in the morning. Wash it after half an hour . For face wash purpose: use green powder with pure water to remove those impurities on your face. Use this as a face wash regularly. As a best natural alternative to chemical shampoos: you can use green powder as a best alternative to chemical shampoos.
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