Do not miss this dragon pen which will bring you luck and success Chinese dragons are seen as lucky and good — quite different to the evil, dangerous, fire-breathing dragons of most Western stories. Chinese dragons are powerful and benevolent symbols in Chinese culture, with supposed control over watery phenomenon, e.g. summoning rain during a drought. Dragons are everywhere in China — in legends, festivals, astrology, art, names, and idioms. It was a gracious creature that able to do almost everything, flying into the sky and live in the deep ocean or lake. For ancient Chinese people, dragon is an ideal animal that was worshiped as the ruler of river, lake and sea, bringing rain and water to the earth. He is friendly and wise and honored in the temple being built. Lung gradually adopted the meaning of power and boldness, intelligent and ambitious, heroism and nobility, and then referred to the authority and power of imperial house. We have attached a picture of the instruction manual on how to use a fountain pen. When you fill the pen at the first time, you can swing the pen to make a few drops of ink coming out of the nib, so that it can flow easily.
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