The best solution for a muck-free face when the trail gets dirty. The purpose of the MUDDER Regular is to keep your eyes muck-free as you go full speed down that dirtbag of a trail that you love so much. Chances are, that thanks to MUDDER, you’re also not having flying mud for lunch. In true Ass Savers spirit, we’ve taken the minimalist approach with some added clever thinking. The result is a fork mounted front mudguard with an unobtrusive design and unsurpassed efficiency when it comes to keeping your face free from dirt. The design features innovative tire-hugging deflectors that can be adjusted so virtually no mud will pass. "No matter what trails you are on, what the weather's like or the bumps you are going over, the Mudder stays exactly where you put it" -TotalMTB, March 2018
2 weeks ago
3 weeks ago