Painting size- 35.5 height x 24 width inch, unframed. This is a digital reproduction canvas painting of a handmade painting. This painting is digitally printed on high quality canvas. Our printing process involves the spraying of millions of ink droplets onto canvas. The smooth transition of color gradients makes prints appear much more realistic than other prints. The printed canvas includes an extra white border for stretching it on a wooden frame. This painting will come to you unframed, in a rolled form in plastic tube roll and you would have to get it framed. You can take it to a framer in your area and choose the thickness of the frame and design as per your choice and also you can stretch on wooden frame. Please be aware that, because it's a digital reproduction canvas print, it's super easy to maintain. You don't necessarily need a glass to cover the front if you are worried about dust etc. You can clean it once a week with a clean damp cloth and no colors would smudge. Hope this helped.
4 days ago
2 months ago