Jermay's room-shattering THREE PHASE mind reading routine. Entertaining a room full of people has never been this easy! Completely impromptu. Can be done on business cards. Phase 1: START SIMPLE The performer attempts to read a spectator's mind. The performer displays a stack of index cards / business cards / napkins. Each card has an emotionally-charged word written on it. The cards are mixed. A spectator is asked to select one of the cards and remember a time they felt that emotion. The performer begins to vicariously experience the emotion... vaguely at first... almost like a psychic reading... but the performer gets more and more specific and eventually names the emotion exactly. Phase 2: BUILD ON IT The performer attempts to transfer his/her psychic abilities to a spectator. One spectator selects an emotion card and thinks about a time in his/her life when he/she experienced that emotion. With the performer's help, a second spectator is able to intuit the emotion the first spectator is thinking of and name it exactly. Phase 3: MAKE IT MEANINGFUL The performer attempts to name specific details from a spectator's life. The cards are mixed. A spectator removes one of the emotion cards. The performer asks the spectator to think of a specific name and a time period they associate with the emotion they have chosen. The performer removes a notepad and pen. One-by-one the performer writes down the specific details he/she is sensing from the spectator's life. The performer is specific. His/her intuitions are committed to writing so there can be no mistake. The performer is accurate to a degree that proves shocking to the spectator. This is an emotionally-CHARGED climax that can go in many directions. The performer is guaranteed three hits. A Framework for Cold Reading
1 month ago
2 months ago