When you have a baby, the first thing you wish you had more of is probably time; time for yourself, time to sleep, time to take care of work/house. I'm sure I am not the first to tell you that babies are very demanding on your time, energy and resources. If you are not prepared for what to expect, it can really throw you for a loop. Many first time parents will say that they have experience either raising or helping to raise younger siblings or other family members or friends. However, when it's your own child, things are very different. The responsibility is 100% yours. Everything about that child you need to decide for them, including their healthcare choices, at least until they are old enough to decide for themselves anyway. Thankfully you have made the decision that homeopathy is going to be part of your child's healthcare choices. With these books, you will be shown how to bring relief to yours and your child's most common acute ailments. Usually a homeopath will consult several books to come to a conclusion for the correct remedy fitting the symptoms of the patient. The first kind of book is called a repertory where lists of symptoms are presented and all the remedies fitting those symptoms are listed. The next step is to narrow down the remedies to top two or three remedies by asking questions such as location, sensation and modalities (this will be further discussed in chapter 1). Once narrowed down, the next kind of book consulted is called a materia medica. This is a detail of each remedy and all the symptoms they present. The remedy chosen is the one that best fits the symptoms of the patient. However, with these books, all your answers are right here. These books are a repertory and materia medica of the most common ailments a child and their mother/caregiver will go through in their first few years of life as well as older children.
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