Nourish your dog with a wholesome, natural dog food with Whole Earth Farms Grain Free Chicken & Turkey Recipe. Cooked in America using the Earth's best ingredients, this dog food features high-quality protein in a flavorful blend of chicken and turkey. Add in apples, sweet potatoes, and flaxseed, and you get a natural dog food that gives your dog a hearty, wholesome meal. The natural ingredients in this grain free dry dog food with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients help support digestibility, less shedding, a shiny coat, strong nails and healthy skin. We put in only the good and leave out the rest, cooking this natural dry dog food without grains, corn, wheat, soy, poultry by-products, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Your dog deserves the very best complete and balanced nutrition, so choose this Whole Earth Farms grain free chicken and turkey dog food.
2 weeks ago
1 month ago